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"Force of Nature" is going to be a pretty long comic. It could end up being over thirty pages, but that's fine. I'm not abridging any of the ideas I've had surrounding it, so I'm just letting it play out. Please enjoy!

Also, the back issue list now includes all the comics for 2019, since "Rekindled" will be a year old tomorrow. You'll find one master .zip for 2019 in the link to the last entry, now. Here are the links to all adult comic back issues:





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Sooo good... I love Beth's hair... Thanks Jay!


Loving this comic. More than happy for it to be a long one. :D


I hope they don’t stop being friends after this


So is Beth..... Or isn't she? Will we find out by the end? Happy for this to be a long comic the story has me sucked in.


Such an interesting comic I am hoping for a threesome where all shares Ty's dick & all get along as well.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Oh no, not 'kind of a jerk'! Those guys NEVER get laid!


Question is there suppose to be a page between page 21 & 22 because it looks like Ty is about to fuck Beth's pussy then changes to a start of cock worship?

Cursed Doll

I'm not sure why but Beth reminds me of Jessica Jones

Leo G.

I'd take Trixie over Beth any day. I dunno why, but I like them just a tad on the thick side.


For shame Jay, only 5 new pages, I expected 6. We had a 31st and everything 😜


I hope Beth is going to be ok. It'll be a massive point of character development if she gets preggo and wants to be a mom.


I'm predicting the result of this will be her realization that she *wants* to settle down with someone and have kids, not that she's going to get knocked up by a guy she barely knows who's gonna fuck off to somewhere else in the world in a week.

Ann Hupe

Nice story line opener. Too soon to talk about individual characters, but knowing your style, Naylor, it'll be complicated. Keep it complicated! You're one of the few artist-writers who can pull this off well. We'll see how easy (yeah, right) open relationships can be.


Always nice to see your OC's completely naked.


hoenstly very cool to see Trixie and Beth with this situation and how they react to it. also "yes" to this storyline

Darth Zoloft

Really digging this comic so far.

Roxanne Stuart

I'm actually curious if Beth is actually enjoying this, or if she actually hates him for this....Only time will tell, eh?


I get the impression that she hates that she kinda enjoys it. But, maybe I'm wrong.


I love how long Beth's hair is and how you show it in pg 18 and I love seeing Trixie feeling jealous. I can't ever thing of a time I have ever seen her mad. Its a new side to her we get to see.


Very interested on how it ends! leaving on a cliffhanger too >.<

Cyberwuffy Ala Wolfe

so does this mean we'll see a very preggo Beth be a completely insatiable slut?