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I asked the steering committee ($12) tier to ask my characters anything they like, once more. Hadn't done these since 2017. It's a good way to get warmup ideas. I'm only taking them in batches of 21, right now, and will ask for more when done.

Please don't take anything personally! I'm just being silly.




Does this mean whenever Elden Ring does drop she’s gonna cum?


Good to know where some of us stand.

Johnny Grimm

Betteras>Glocks Last of Us 2 wasn't that bad but I would not say Game of the Year material though I will say the Resident Evil 3 remaster was a much more Google game that came out this year And smoked mac and cheese pulled brisket is a meal for other breakfast what's for dinner as long as it is served with Crown Royal and Coke

Eito Gao

I'm surprised I knew what stippling was. But glocks? Why not get a real gun *pulls out water gun*

Cursed Doll

Thinking the TLOU Part II is better than Ghost is almost objectively incorrect


He had her at stippling his Glocks. And yes they are ugly but always deliver.


I like her taste! Great piece!


Need more Serena. I wonder how well Serena and Red would get along?


Never seen this stereotype played out before in your work, very original.


2017? Has it really been that long?! O: Wow!


She look ready to jump him or maby his tail.


The new game From Software is working on that fans are anticipating but we haven't heard anything about it in over a year, so the joke is it's all a lie and never coming out.


The fact Ghost of Tsushima lets you pet foxes automatically makes it the single best game ever. Period. Also while a ribeye is pretty damn good by itself, I personally like to at least have some mashed taters and gravy as well. =P

Daniel Mountain

I favor a baked potato and some sauteed mushrooms, but you can save those for leftovers if you're not that hungry.

Daniel Mountain

Let's see... I happen to like an occasional Hawaiian pizza, but I can understand why some people don't. Haven't played either game, but from what little I've heard, Last of Us 2 isn't worth it. Taxes ARE just part of living in society, but that doesn't mean the government gets to spend that money without oversight. And while I won't judge the sergal thing, I don't share an interest. On the other side of things, I rather insist on serving sides with a ribeye, but you don't need to eat it all if you aren't that hungry or don't like something. I just insist you try everything on the plate before whining at me. Not a fan of guns myself, but you do you and be safe about it. I wouldn't be. Form follows function... but you can always work on the form a little if said function isn't interfered with. And considering Duke Nukem Forever was eventually released, I'd keep an open mind about vaporware, even if it won't be worth spit when they finally get around to it.

Daniel Mountain

So basically, I'm the bland apathetic moderate to the manbun and meathead duo up there.

AquaWolfX 87

Silly can be a sign of good health. This came out great!


I think Serena about to pounce.

Bryant Holmes (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:51:41 Huh, I never thought I'd be someone's 'type' though stippling at home is eh, skateboard tape grips better. How about micro polishing the feed ramp? Or parkerizing/cerakoting guns because function > form?
2020-08-11 16:07:26 Huh, I never thought I'd be someone's 'type' though stippling at home is eh, skateboard tape grips better. How about micro polishing the feed ramp? Or parkerizing/cerakoting guns because function > form?

Huh, I never thought I'd be someone's 'type' though stippling at home is eh, skateboard tape grips better. How about micro polishing the feed ramp? Or parkerizing/cerakoting guns because function > form?


Having used both, and having had tapes and Talon Grips slowly shift and peel in hot weather, I can say stippling is better. Maybe if I moved to Montana it wouldn't matter. Also, coating your gun doesn't improve its function. It just protects the outside from wear, if you care. But I have cerakoted pistols that still wear and scratch and scrape on kydex, so eh. I've never had feed ramp problems with Glocks so... I dunno. Maybe if I was into 1911s, I'd need to polish the feed ramp.

Bryant Holmes

With an H&K it helps. Also tends to be easier to clean after being polished.


Elden Ring LIVES!!!