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I figure this might be a lot of fun. The answers will be viewable to all pledges, but only the $12+ tiers will be able to ask questions.




Fisk! There's many mentions of your relationship with Red, and to a previous drawing of you two going at it some time ago... My question is, how do you view her now, since you two are still partners, but not... Involved anymore?


To Samantha and/or Lupe: what is it about the canines that you like so much?


The Wolf Queen: So how many children do you have if I may so ask your grace?


Beth! Long time no see! How's life at sea treating you? Meet anyone interesting? ;)


To Audrey and/or Mary: are either of you employed? What do ya'll do for a living?


Thomas: What's the best prank you've gotten away with?


If Sparky had a friend when shi was little, who would they be?


Question really is for characters, not me. I haven't thought about anything from her childhood.

Michael J Simmons

Priscillia: So now that you are well on your way to motherhood, have you noticed if it has changed your perception of Sexuality?


Samantha: What ever happened with that camp counselor and her summer fling she told you about? Those two still hanging around or did he start pranking her again?


Lucy: I would imagine how personal this subject might be, but, do you ever think back to you and your brother's "times" together? And if so, has it ever made you get intimate with yourself?

Jim D

Sissy, How many men, and women, have you slept with and who was your favorite? And a second question. Is Brice the father of all of your children?


Aaron: What's new, pussycat? How are you getting along? And since Beth moved on do you have any relationships with a romantic interest or are you still tomcatting around?


Brooke: Hey Brooke! So you entered college now and your butt looks hot as ever. Are you still getting your daily dose of butt worshipping from Francis or did you already find a better slave?

Sherri Mayim

Trixie: Did you ever share your love of butts an' rimming with Beth :3?


Trixie: What sort of relationship has developed between you and Aaron now that he's moved to Southhaven?


Lucy how hard is it getting stuff down around the house with Tommy being such a notorious ass man?


Thomas: Have you ever gotten into trouble where Fisk was truly mad at you?


Lynne: You seem to have a wide variety of sexual tastes; is there something different that you have secretly always wanted to try?

Shadow Drake

Elizabeth: You know your man is coming home and the kids are away, what is the sexiest outfit you have to 'welcome' him home?


Fisk: Has your morning wood ever gotten you in any other predicaments? (referencing original life 217)


Sparky: Do you ever surprise guys with your dick? and if so do they stay with you after the surprise?


Brooke: How is the pregnancy treating you? The old coach taking care of all urges?


Beth: Would you ever consider continuing the Kitty(Kama) sutra? P.s maybe throw in some butt stuff now to hmm? :3


Elizabeth: What do you do to pass the time when fisk is gone?

Jim D

This ones for Aron. Of all of the girls you've met, is there one in particular that you would have liked to have been with, or be with again?


Persia and Flounce: Would you prefer one dedicated, bisexual partner to be a third that likes both of you and would stay with you, or multiple one night stands between the two of you that will leave in the morning?

Leo G.

Lynne: What is it about relieving yourself that you find so erotic? And have you ever found anyone else that shares that particular trait?