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Hello, $12 patrons! I finally get around to answering some questions from last time - questions about my schedule, how I find time for video games, the Cottonwine creatures, and about internet criticism over free things.

I'd like to make this a more regular thing, but it's hard for me to adhere to a schedule. I'd like to maybe do a once a week sort of thing.

Anyway, if you have anything you want me to address in my next video, please share it in the comments here, or send it to me any other way you can. Thank you!




The shading process is still a fascinating thing to watch. It’s sometimes really hard to understand why you put shadings on certain parts if you are zoomed in but then you zoom out and it shows it’s effect. That probably comes from knowledge and a lot of practice. Nice video as always!


What's everyone wearing for Halloween? Edit: Fisk, Elizabeth, the kids, Beth, Trixie, Aron, Audrey, Mary, Flounce, Penny, Lynne... everybody!


I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I can't watch the video either on my Mac or my iPhone, you appeared to have watched it so is it possible that you know If I'm doing something wrong?


I giggled quite a bit watching this. I haven't had a chance to sit down and see much of the feed except what comes in my emails while I'm on the road. It's true. I do happen to be one of those silent supporters, but I sing your praises to my friends all the time. Do you plan on doing anything to commemorate your one year on Patreon? A good beer at the end of the night perhaps? :3


I'm not big with commemorations and anniversaries for my own stuff and all. I just tend to plow ahead. :3


Hey thanks for answering my questions, had an exhausting day and it made me smile to see such a great artist like yourself responding to his community. I would absolutely love a Cottonwine Bestiary. Your "Cottonwine Field Notes" is all the proof you need to show that you don't necessarily need a full fledge story to write. That story was literally the observations of an elf. I'd love to see how in depth your universe and its populations and creatures are. Perhaps it's something you'd make time for in your schedule next year. One can only hope. I thought as much with how you described your art schedule. I was mainly curious as you know as well as I how addicting certain RPGs like Bethesda and Bioware tend to be. You'll be on Mass Effect or Elder Scrolls for only an hour or 2, next thing you know its 3 in the morning XD And Bethesda is basically gift wrapping and hiding up all of our expectations compared to past games so who knows what to expect! I am literally on pins and needles for the next 3 weeks. For my next question, I'd like to ask if you have any plans for the Lumpkinville universe. Anything on the horizon for Mary Anne, Alexander, and Apollo, etc. Next to Cottonwine its my favorite universe. And the relationships of the characters is quite fascinating to watch.


I’ve got 2 questions for you. 1. You’ve been doing this for a long time and have probably learned new techniques along the way. Are there still techniques you want to learn? If so, what would they add to your work or to your scheduling? 2. In the past (if I recall correctly, just ignore this if I’m wrong) you mentioned you wanted to move to a fully digital workflow including the sketch work. What happened to that idea? Because you still do sketch work on paper. Is it just easier / faster to do it on paper or are there other factors that play a role in it? Or do you do some stuff on paper and some stuff fully digital?


I'd still like to find the time to learn and get good at just straight up digital painting, but I have a feeling that won't happen unless I set aside the time and have a guide. I also do digital sketching sometimes just to prove to myself that I can, but I still liked the softer look of drawing on paper, so I settled on that.


Thank you for your answers. What is the difference between digital painting and what you are already doing? When is something called a painting and when is it called an image / picture? Like the image of red that’s fishing (<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/gone-fishing-2937874)">https://www.patreon.com/posts/gone-fishing-2937874)</a> what makes that an image / picture and not a painting? That is something you could print out, optionally frame it and hang it on a wall.