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For now, I'm tired of doing stand alone covers as an afterthought to a project when I complete all the content. So, I'm seeing how it feels to have a title page that introduces the elements of the story and the setting, before plunging into the more traditional comic pages.




So has this already gone anywhere? I'm still kinda confused by Patreon's Layout, being new around here :D (But been a big fan of Jay for quite some time ^^)


It's the ongoing comic, which I'll be sending out the final pages of around the 5th of December.


Okay, does that mean I'll only see these last pages because I just started being a Patron or do I get the whole comic? (What about the other "Patreon-age" full comics? Are they only available to people who were Patrons back then, too? I've read your statement on the old stuff, but this is different, isn't it?) (I'm still kinda confused by Patreon :D)


Whole comic. Back issues will be posted next year lkfehae repeats forever.e lghepiaohigaij


I can already tell I'm gonna love this!


I think that's a good idea, saves time and gets the setup done more efficiently.

Lord Chaos

Seems like a good plan to me.


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Just yes.


I hope his wife does'nt find out.


sweetness, sequence pics =3


I like the idea of creating covers like that. It´s a good way to jump into the story and one more page within the story line :3 Win-win situation! :-D

Leo G.

Like FarmINKboy, I really like the idea of having some part of the basic plot and characters set up on the cover. Great Idea!

Shadow Drake

I'm kinda 50/50 on it, it's pretty sweet to have the story starting off like this. Though at the same time the pinup style of the covers are a treat in their own right.


Oh boy. This is gonna be good!