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This particular comic is taking up a lot more time because I'm working through details (not in the exhibited frames here, but in others), so the coloring takes a few more calorie hours. Still, I like how it's coming. But I realized I've only had a couple of sketch uploads since my last comic update, despite all the things I've wanted to set aside time for. I kind of envy those artists who just work on one thing at a time.

This is the kind of comic where I'm not cutting out moments, because I really want to showcase the world, and the entire comic is show and not tell. This particular story is probably going to be well into the mid twenties on page count, possibly higher.

I hope you all enjoy, and I'm sorry if I haven't updated as much as I have in the past!



Rose Head

Totally good man keep up the good work! I'm proud of your effort.


That’s what I like to hear. A good long Cottonwine comic with lore and story and character development. Don’t you worry I’m eager for any and all work your putting out and take your time with this. I know it’s gonna come out great. Deep fantasy lore and illicit interspecies romances are always the most fun anyway. Counting down the days to November 5th :)


"If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man." --Henry David Thoreau If you must divide your attention between different projects to be comfortable continuing your work, then do it. Do your shit your way, so that you are happy with it. I contribute what I can because I want to see you continue to do that. Cheers.


Looking real good


Sounds like someone listened to my comment about you being a good story teller and needing to focus on that some ;)


Ahhh Thoreau, a man far ahead of his time in his wisdom and thoughts toward human rights. I respect you for quoting him. Can’t wait to watch this comic continue hehe

Nicholas Kratzer

I am crazy exited for this comic. I'm sure it will be worth the wait


I can't wait to see how how it will end. Will there be a Human male bumping the Wolf female.... lol we will find out wont we


I look forward to seeing each and every page. And it's ok if it pulls time away from a few other projects. I'm certain it'll be worth it.


I've wanted to see more lady wolves from this setting since the Red Riding Hood comics introduced me to your art. So I'm hyped no matter how long it takes. Seriously so excited, especially to hear you're giving it such attention.


It always worth wait to watch masterpieces.\(≧▽≦)/


No worries man. I cant wait to see the next set of pages. I'm sure the wait will be worth it 😁


Least it’s not Zebras! Lol

Reptiles of Lustria

Am I missing any of the story, or have you not come out with it yet? (Namely, last I saw, Ms. wolfie girl was surprised in a snow pile)


It's in progress. The first six pages were posted on October 5th to the comic tier patrons.

Reptiles of Lustria

Hey, great! I received access to those then. I just did not wish to miss out on your work. Cannot wait to see more, keep at it and don't overwork yourself!