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Hello, steering committee! I'm almost done with "Rekindled" and I plan to have it done by the next comic update. However, there's a hurricane heading toward my state and well, that's another matter.

Normally I'd be asking you to vote in a poll for what comic I'm to do next. But as I was compiling the list, I kept hoping one would win. Normally I don't mind which one wins, because I don't let you vote on something I wouldn't want to do. But in this case, I really wanted one to win, so I'm going to make the decision to go along with it as my next project.

There'll be many more things to vote on, like sketch series and such afterwards.

I'm going to go ahead and do a comic idea that I really want to try, about a human dude and a wolf woman in the Cottonwine world. I don't want to spoil a lot about it, so I won't talk about it much. But I thought I'd let you know why there's no poll, and what's happening next.

I'll probably have a hurricane-themed announcement when we hopefully know a little more about what jerk Dorian is doing.




Stay safe and be careful with that hurricane coming in


You do you. Your safety and ability to work is more important than a poll.


Both my younger brother and sister attend school in Florida and many of my cousins live there as well so Ive been quite worried. I hope you all stay safe. I am very happy to hear we are getting a Cottonwine comic coming up next. I've been looking forward to it. You've teased us with Rayka for a while and I've long since wanted a Human male and anthology female comic from you for a while :) stay safe man.


Stay safe and good luck on your next project!


Stay safe my fellow Floridian, or whatever other state you live in the hurricane might hit.

Lucanid Landman

Stay safe with the Hurricane. I am actually quite happy about seeing more Cottonwine stuff.


You have to go with what inspires you most or you'll stagnate


I'm okay with your decision to do a Cottonwine comic. I'll also be weathering the storm with you here in Florida.


I approve.


Well dang, you are telling me... the one day I am actually able to get leave to come home and see the family after months, Hurricane... I am sitting here like “My luck is amazing”. Stay safe, hope everything goes well for you.


So. This comic may actually kill me of happiness. Woot! Stay safe buddy.


Stay safe, and this storyline is what I was hoping for to begin with so I'm extremely happy!