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Speaks a little too close to my situation... Great work!

Robby Angel

Don't leave him ;__; you mean so much to him brooke that he doesn't want to change who you are.


We're here to support you Brooke!

Glenn Sellers

Why don't you just want to go along with this any more, Brooke? It's because you're growing up.


Golly Brooke, perhaps there's something in between "absolute monogamy" and "zero boundaries". Hmmm. ;P Curious to see how this situation evolves. Maybe she's deluded herself into thinking she NEEDS a monogamous relationship to be "normal." Maybe she still has some experimenting to work out before she finds what she really wants.


I could talk about how Brooke's and Francis' relationship was built on shallow kinks from the start and was doomed to be relegated to a more casual sort of "Friends with Benefits" thing and how kinks are a flimsy foundation for any relationship and she should probably find someone who loves her for more than just her ass. However, considering I'm a 30-something virgin who's last relationship ended sophomore year in high school I don't think I have the personal experience to do anything but talk out my ass. :/


Communication is key. Instead of assuming he is only thinking with his dick and doesn't care about you, talk to him and find out why he seems so relaxed about it.