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I was hoping to have The Best Laid Mistress finished by the end of May, but there are still a couple of pages to do, as well as the cover. Almost there, almost there...

I like how a lot of the pages have come out. I've been working on making some of the scenes more "kinetic" in appearance. 

I'm still debating the continued role of my website catalog given the success of Patreon. I'm still debating whether I want to release comics there, even if it stays one comic behind Patreon. Rise of the Wolf Queen 3 has still technically only be shared with $6 patrons here, and hasn't seen the catalog. Catalog release would give others a chance to see it, I think.

Soon, around the 4th or 5th, I'll be sending out the links to The Best Laid Mistress as completed so far. Next month, this comic should be finished, and the next one already started, and I already know what it's going to be.




Any hints as to the next comic :p


As someone who only recently joined your patreon ranks, I'd say that I would regularly check your catalog for updates but was pretty saddened by the lack of anything until I realised the patreon was a thing. So perhaps posting on your site that your patreon has been updated or something? The benefits of subscribers here may outweigh the potential extra cash coming in from people buying a comic or two from the site, but nothing more.


I think updating your catalog is a good way to keep your website intact and keeps the chance that someone buys a comic from there too. And just like MKX Player said: Any hints for the next project? ;-)


I see more dudes getting nailed in the ass for your future!


Can not wait for this!


I always thought it was funny that Mai wears a cat bell.


Your catalog is classic and always has these titilating summaries on them. I'd keep em but add them after Patreon.


If you're going to do away with the catalog, would you be lowering the cost for comic access on the patreon? I ask because currently if you take three months to finish a comic, a patreon subscriber would have to pay $18 to read it, as opposed to the $7 or $8 from buying it from the catalog. Also, what about previously finished projects? Are you going to share Rise of the Wolf Queen 3 again, or will any new patreons joining from this point forward just never get the chance to read it?


A few things: For comics here being $6/month, I see it this way: Many comic creators charge per page for their creations on Patreon. At my current pace of production, you get charged roughly about $1 per page if you want to see the comic from Patreon as they go, on top of the normal $1 pledge you get for seeing everything else I draw throughout the month that's exclusive to Patreon. Also, I conceived this Patreon as more than just product for price, but a commitment to support and ensure they keep going. The success of Patreon has ensured I can work more on the creations my fans want, instead of pouring time into YCHs. So, there's more value in a $6 monthly commitment in contributing to freeing up an artist's time to produce more material, than paying $7 per release, or even the common practice of paying $14 once a year for everything done since. Also, Patreon is less of a hassle for users to use if they want my material. The Catalog is an old, creaky code that I can't upgrade because there's no programmer with the time or skill. I've looked. I'm also pretty certain there's an exploit in it. The moment a catalog item is released, it appears on the internet for free within the day. On top of that, Patreon provides a community for people to give me feedback and ask questions, a community of people who are actually invested in the continuation of what I do, not just randoms from the internet.


Those twins are still some of my favorite characters of yours


Just my two cents, but if it's not costing you any money to keep your website catalog online, I would vote for keeping it (I say this without any foreknowledge of whether or not/how much you might be paying for server/hosting fees for your website, of course). It (your catalog website) is really the only legal way to obtain your older comics, for those who want to legally obtain them, of course. After seeing some of your scraps/previews of older comics floating around, I personally went looking for a place to purchase the whole comic. I've personally bought several, and opted for the month long access at least once ( actually twice, I think, harddrive crashes eliminated my original copies) and was glad to find your site. I've not found other sites run by artists to be as clean, navigable, or simply easy to use. In addition, I'm assuming it's the only place to access the sequential series full of your main characters. Even though you've said you're (at the very least) taking a break from working on them, I know people who have never seen them before discover them and avidly spend hours catching up on them. In summary, I suppose, if it's not costing you anything, or if the cost is at least negligible in the sense that you're not loosing money by keeping it, up, I'd say keep the website, if only as a host for your back-catalog. Unless you're up to the time consuming task of finding somewhere else to make them available.