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The comic rewards get posted tomorrow, but instead of posting them first thing, I'll be posting them in the evening. I have an appointment which will take up most of my day and I won't be able to post up the comic stuff until I get home. Thank you for the patience!

I also have only 5 pages set for the update. I was hindered by having a week long trip during February, along with an illness I had which had me working during only medicated times for a week, combined with being the shortest month of the year, hit my productivity pretty hard. But I'm getting back on track.

I could have had a page six, but I also decided to get back to work on Brooke Goes To College for the $6 tiers, as well, since it's been on hiatus for a while.

I appreciate all your support. None of this would be possible without you.



Glenn Sellers

Oh joy! "Brooke goes to College" will be returning! I look forward to its return. I love that raccoon girl. Of course, I love 75% of your ladies.