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I accidentally let the poll run longer than necessary, because I was brisk and didn't read the calendar correctly. But alas, it served its purpose.

I'll be doing "Offline" next. It's funny, I often have an idea of what might win in the polls, and I'm very often incorrect. But this time I had a feeling Offline would win. Not only did it have several independent images done prior to help prime the pan for it, but it was the most unique of the two plot-driven projects on the list.

The Mistress Theressa project will probably live on in independent images that I do over time. As I stated in the last poll, I've already started writing entries for it, and once I finish up Alicia's little run of breeding images, I'm probably going to start on that as my spare time work. This is all the more inspiring for me that this project came handily came in second place.

I want to thank the Steering Committee tier for their participation!

For those not in the Steering Committee tier, here is a summary of the projects that were voted on:

1. Two Sides Of A Coin - The runner up by a HAIR in the last poll. A project about Sissy, with a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde theme. It's about the way she desperately maintains her outward propriety, while her dangerous hedonism is like an animal threatening to get out and dominate her personality. The tone will be about contrasts, her sexual depravity, temptation, group sex, anonymous sex, risky sex, and what she does to trigger what her animal side wants.

2. Offline - A comic story inspired by the picture series featuring Sissy and Marley. Marley's a 23 year old man still living at home without a job. When his mother takes away his internet, he's forced to leave the house in search of ways to find his fetishistic extremes. He recruits Sissy, who reluctantly agrees to act out what he's used to viewing with others, and even let him experience some for himself. He learns a lesson about the difference between seeing fringe fetishes on a screen, and what real life is like. Erotic comedy.

3. Mistress Theressa's Guide To Carnal Exotica - I was originally going to do this as a warmup series over time, bits here and there, but I decided to put it on the poll to see if people would rather I focus on it full time and get it done much faster, and probably with more illustrations. I've actually already started writing on it, doing the text for entries over the last couple of weeks. Instead of a scientific explanation of the Cottonwine world's monsters and inhuman races, I thought I'd write from the perspective of a woman whose accumulated a lifetime of experience seeking them out specifically for exotic sex. It will feature her description of the monster's and race's sexual behaviors, sensations, risks, dangers, payoffs, and possible pregnancy implications. It's basically a guide for Cottonwine women who want to have sex with inhuman races and monsters while trying not to lose their minds.

4. Taming Bruce - The story of how little Kaori managed to tame big bad Bruce, what Bruce was like before he met her, and how he became what he is, today. Largely a commentary on the veneer of "alpha" nature in some men who try too hard, and the occasional woman who's able to see right through it, and get to the heart of what she wants.




I think it's a nice compromise to keep the second place entrance as stand alone images/mini story all while having offline be the main comic project. Im sure most will be satisfied with that. Maybe next time it'll be one vote per person..hahaha


Well I did quite enjoy the Offline single images and I missed Sissy a lot: and with Mistress Theresa getting her own standalone images I am quite satisfied indeed


Not much of a surprise. Now, this is just an observation, but with the recent 4 part 'Sissy The Milf' mini story, it's like you steered the Steering Committee. Now I'm wondering how close the poll would have been if you put in an 'Alicia' project.


Probably not so close, since I don't have an Alicia "story" in mind, other than "risks pregnancy."




Anything Sissy I'm in for. :D


Sissy needs some lovin'. Happy she won!

Dale Evans

Looks like I'll have to join steering committee to vote for Mistress Theressa next time


I SOooo Whole Heartedly AGREE with the committee's choice! 👍🏼👍🏼😸

hashirama senju

I hope we get to see taming Bruce sometime this year the thought of Bruce having his way with little kaori is almost too much for me to handle