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Sketched this a bit as a POV angle and got around to coloring it today.




Wow what a view! I love it!! <3


She is a pure beauty and by far my most loved of all your creations so far. Always gets me exited when I see a push message with her name in it.


That completely stole my breath away. I think its the greatest piece you've done in quite some time right up there with plenty of others.


This is really amazing, I don't think you've done much POV but it's definitely something I want to see more of.


Even better. Love that tired, sexy look on a girl's face with their hair spread out and messy. :3


This is awesome, I like this point of view, you really pulled it off :)


This is fantastic. The sweat itself isn't particularly a kink of mine, but I do love how it signifies intensity and activity. It makes this feel a lot more real and immediate, especially with her top just pushed up instead of removed. On a side note, you think you'll ever do any watersports stuff with Brooke? ;D


I don't think she considers it a fetish of hers, no. So, probably nothing she would enjoy indulgently, like Lynne would for instance.


Looks like Brooke is enjoying a ride on some lucky guy.


She looks better with her hair loose,Nicely done Jay.

Buster Davison

I love seeing these two together, especially now with the recent BGTC development. Would an adult comic dedicated to their relationship be out of the question?


I'd have to think of how it would be interesting in a way other than "they're together, now, and here they are having sex."

Buster Davison

One idea I had was that he could help her go through her main fetishes and how they developed, using some intimate time between them as a framework for this exploration of her character.


Coming to terms with a lot of her fetishes, like older men and such, is something I want to explore in the upcoming further chapters of BGTC. It's kind of where I envisioned this all leading up to.

TY 2022

I'd love to see that view every night.