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Finished this one up. I still need to practice more pregnant bodies.




Absolutely magnificent :3


Pregnant ladies just means there's more to love and adore of her before you hear pitter patter of little ones.


I wanna rub her belly. '^'


More practice you say, you should draw some now of your female characters like Elizabeth and Sissy pregnant for example to get a bttee feel for it ;)

Bryant Holmes

More of this would be just fine yeah.

Buster Davison

Something with Fisk and Elizabeth, perhaps? They were certainly starting something when she was pregnant with Janie: <a href="http://jaynaylor.com/originallife/comic/OL264.11-12-08.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jaynaylor.com/originallife/comic/OL264.11-12-08.jpg</a>

Lord Chaos

As she looks even lovelier.

Viro Veteruscy

Very nice, I like the light redness on the belly


she is so beautiful

Kyle Major

milf looking good


even better in colour


So, when is the abortion?


She's even cuter now♡

Chris Shaffer

While I dunno if we'd definitely need a special comic for this, it's worth noting that between Samantha, Priscilla, and flashbacks with the various character who've had children (and Sissy's proclivities, beyond that) you potentially have plenty of opportunity to practice pregnant women with different body types.


Speaking of pregnant ladies (kind of), would you ever consider doing an inbreeding comic, like with Sissy and her brother or Mai and Minh, or some other brother/sister pairing? Your incest comics are the best, but I wanna see it result in a pregnant belly.


Clearly, you need more practice. Lots and lots and lots of practice. I mean, like - LOTS of practice. We're quite happy to have you practice for us all you like, in fact. :)


Mmmmmno. And incest is against Patreon's guidelines so I'm not going to do any work that's explicitly expressed as that. Explicitly.


Keep doing what you're doing, Jay. I love your work.