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I'm alllllmost done with the third installment of the Wolf Queen series, so I should get some input from you guys on which comic project I should tackle next. A lot of the characters I really want to draw comics about are kind of in a limbo state, where their lives are stable and I'm not really able to come up with nifty ideas. Nonetheless, my roster for possible next projects is pretty full, so let me know what you think. There are no titles for these yet, so I'm just using placeholders: 1.) Rachel and the wolf - A suit-wearing wolf gentleman takes casual ownership of Rachel, voyeuristically directing her to debauchery, while frustrating her with his lack of desire to partake of her, himself. Mood: debauched, dark 2.) Rise of the Wolf Queen 4 - I could go ahead and launch into the 4th installment of this series right after the 3rd, which will set up the equilibrium of the Cottonwine universe and set some characters free for other adventures. Mood: debauched, mildly violent, with a ray of hope at the end 3.) Mai and Minh - Exploring Minh's jealousy and how its dynamic plays into the only other one of Mai's lovers she actually loves. Mood: playful jealousy 4.) Flounce and Persia - The conversational dynamic of Flounce and Persia finding a masculine male lover to share. I'm debating telling much of this from the perspective of the extra male lover, which tends to be really overlooked or over-simplified in most of this sort of "fetish" porn. This is a comic I'm definitely sure to do sometime this year, even if it's not the next project. Mood: Erotic, comedic commentary, introspective 5.) Priscilla wants a baby - The domineering poodle, Priscilla, has finally decided it's time to get pregnant. She develops a pretty elaborate plan, but like a lot of things Priscilla sets up, it backfires in a funny erotic way. Features Mai and Minh. Mood: Debauched comedy 6.) Lupe's Dogs - An expose of Lupe (Pablo's sister) discovering and perpetuating her appreciation of the anthropomorphic dogs in Lumpkinville's more urban setting. Mood: character expose, cheating, debauched



Here is my top 3, I know you can only count my first choice but I'm just putting it out there. Also in case of a tie it's easy to check what my other choices where. 1. Mai and Minh 2. Flounce and Persia 3. Priscilla wants a baby

Azhrei Vep

I'll go top three as well, because why not? 1. Adorable furries IN SPAAAAAAACE!! (Nope, totally never giving up on that) 2. Mai and Minh (are so frickin' adorable) 3. Rachel and the Wolf


Obviously my vote will be for Rachel and The Wolf! I think it's time to get another dark concept out there. Wolf Queen is so intense and awesome, but I think we can all wait to get a chance at other stories. Priscilla Wants a Baby sounds HILARIOUS, though! I love it.


I'm actually thinking of posting links to chapters from the novel about power armored bunnies I've been dabbling in over the last few months.


I'll vote for Rise of the Wolf Queen 4, since you're already on a roll with it and momentum is a great thing. That said, Priscilla Wants A Baby promises to be comedic GOLD and I hope you'll get round to that soon. Might be a nice intermission from all the grimdark. Keep being awesome!


Flounce and Persia all the way!

Psy Draggy

Order of preference: 5, 4, 3. Keep up the amazing work. :D


My top three choices in respective order would be: 1. Mai and Minh (love those two) 2. Rise of the Wolf Queen 4 (I've really enjoyed this chain so far) 3. Priscilla wants a baby (Again for Mai and Minh shenanigans) I'm sad that Lynne didn't make it to the roster but i do think that all of these options have a lot of potential :)


If i were to pick a number four it would be Lupe's dog, that will be good as well.


Top 3 would be 4, 3, and 2.


All of them sound good but my vote goes for no. 1! :3


My money is on 4


My vote is on 1 and 3!


I'm going to cast my vote for Flounce and Persia. It's been a while since we've seen them in a comic, and I can imagine there's a lot you could do with that idea that would be really interesting (and I also dig the idea of telling it from the perspective of the male lover, that's a cool angle to go with)

Jim D

I vote for Priscilla wants a baby


Just to be clear, when people vote on more than one project, I just count the first one. Everything else is superfluous.


<first vote=""> If 6 involves Goat on any page, it gets my vote. Goat = <3 Otherwise, Wolf Queen 4. I love me some tribal lapin and lupine! The wife enjoys it too. :D 4: Jay, you do femme boys wonderfully! Just sayin'. From the perspective of the third-wheel *is* especially intriguing. What does an objectivist see in a submissive male? Roark in bed with another man... Hmm...</first>


Flounce and Persia


Goat's not in #6. Also, I don't draw conclusions on whether someone's submissive in bed.


For me it's a big tie between Flounce and Persia and Lupe's Dogs. I love what you've done for them so far (Flounce and Persia) and I cannot get enough. Lupe is exciting for me, I just love her mixed with them. But the Priscilla and Mai and Minh are tied too, just lower; I still love those story lines.

Leo G.

Like Kasia, I'm torn between "Flounce and Persia" and "Lupe's Dogs" I'll think more about it and post again later.




I'd of course want 2 first and foremost. Cottonwine is Is a is setting I enjoy and I'm curious to see how this arc ends and more importantly, see what comes next for the setting. Second? 4. I like Flounce and Persia.


I gotta go with 5!


lot of good ideas here, still if I have to choose just the one then I gotta go with option 5. honorable mentions: 4 & 1

Dan B

They all sound good, but Lupe's Dogs sounds best. I vote 6.


Voted 5, and comedy in general


I have to go with 2 I don't want to wait... and I need to know will there ever be a Cottonwine Field Notes 2? its one of my all time favorites


Cant decide between 5 and 1...


Comedy is good but the Wolf Queen is my favorite.

Goth Skunk

I know this poll is closed and all, but going back and reviewing some of your older projects, I'm curious if you have anything in mind for Mikey again? The scene in Mikey Begins where he submits to that doberman was... Delicious.


Not right now. Closest thing I have planned are some scenes involving Minh in the upcoming comic.

Goth Skunk

Looking forward to it! And would also be in favour of a project that centers around an effeminate male as the submissive lover of a more dominant male as a central theme.