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Is up here: https://www.patreon.com/jrnarts 

The Original Life +5 comic pages will be free.

I plan to start new pages sometime in April. For now, it'll be a place to do sketches and test pages of the subject matter while I get a good idea on how I want the new pages to look.

I also set a stretch goal, which if met, will cause me to dedicate enough time with the comic, per week, to do regularly scheduled uploads.

A little rulemaking here: The Original Life +5 Patreon is for my SFW material, and I'd like to keep it fairly separate from what goes on, here. Please refrain from sexual, sexualizing, and creepy comments about the subjects of the drawings and comics, there. I know I make a living for drawing adult material, and in large part, it's what I'm known for, but I'm going to be keeping a pretty solid Berlin Wall between what goes on here, and what goes on over there.

Thank you so much!




Sounds good, Jay. I honestly can't wait to get back to this world you've set up.

Wm. Van Ness

Great! I'm looking forward to the new stories!


One question. I know this will be sfw though an wondering what about stuff like sfw off screen implied sex and talk about first times, as the characters are teens now. Nothing creepy or to sexual, just like kissing and clothes on the floor and reasonable non innuendo talks between characters, thats all.


Probably not going to do any "lost virginity" type stories or at least implying any intimate setting in the way you describe.


pledged and cannot wait to see what all a little mouse genius has come up with ^,^. And how Charlie is doing, especially with how her mother is


I always wanted to see what they would look like more grown up hehe. And Berlin Wall nooooooooo ^^


So you won't be doing any adult comics on this account featuring Original Life characters?


Some characters from adult comics, like Sissy, may appear in OL. But I don't want the other Patreon to become filled with lascivious, horny messages. It's my all-ages account.


It's your comic do what you think is right.


i still dont know where to see the comics... =(

Manrid Brizon

Ah, Original Life. That was the comic I was reading nearly a decade ago, when I first discovered your art, back in the days of VCLart.net

Justin Clemons

cool,i really enjoyed the others


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