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The Wolf Queen part 3 is finally progressing nicely and things have hit that nice "stride", as it were. There's a bit of a story to tell, and I want to blend it with juicy sex, appropriately. The end of this series (part 4) will sort of "cap" the whole Red Riding/Wolf Queen arc. I'm not sure what I will do with Cottonwine after that, but it'll be there if I want it. More Sissy pictures are in progress. I sort of work on them in my spare time in phases. There may be about three more pics in this before we decide on what else for me to work on. :3 I've been having the hankering to draw Red a bit, lately, she's just always a challenge for the proper context, but I have a little ideas germinating... The last Patreon sketch commission I finished was a gay piece. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence, but after posting it, we lost $150 in pledge support, an extraordinary amount for just one day (you can see how much was pledged at the time a piece was posted in the lower right of each entry). Gay work isn't my forte and I realize most of my fanbase probably isn't attracted to it, but if there's anything else people don't want to see posted, to the degree that it might affect their pledges, feel free to sound off, here. If something is generally unappreciated by people offering their support, I won't mind holding back from posting it, here. Thank you all!



John Trull

$150? Their loss. Gay or not, I enjoy your art.


Gay art isn't appealing to me, but I just ignore it.


The gay stuff certainly isn't my favorite, and it seems to be rather common I'm the fandom. Your work has always stood out to me because of the attention you pay to the female form - which is what I like to look at - and because you draw charecters more often than random bodies. There are dozens of Tumblrs I could follow for yaoi, or for random drawings. What you do is, as far as I can find, rather unique. Of course, it would take a lot more dicks to drive me off. As far as anything else. . . I personally find analingus rather gross. But maybe I'm alone on that one.

Growlph Ibex

I love your gay art, but I'd say draw what feels right for you :)


Gay isn't really my forte either, but it was less for me and more for my friend. But I really hope it's just timing and not actually someone being offended because I'll feel a bit bad about that. I don't want to feel like some of my tastes ran someone off because it was something they didn't like.


Can't say for sure. I just can't pin down any other explanation for the sudden exodus.


That´s really strange! If it really happened because of a gay themed picture I can´t understand. Personally I don´t mind seeing gay pictures even though I´m straight. But I can tell you my favorites : Your whole butt themed works (no matter what kind of action), oral sex and female domination. :3 Greetings!


I love your art no matter what it is. Gay or straight. You may not be as in touch with male anatomy as you are with female (particular to those amazing butts you draw) but i still find it very appealing to look at.

Robert Kassebaum

Straight, gay, bi, lesbian . . . I'll support what you post. You can't please everybody, but I don't think you should suddenly change what you post just because your numbers drop. If you must, use the number of likes (the heart symbol) your art received as a guide.


Not a big fan of the gay theme pics, but would never pull my pledge because of it. Sounds like they might have some homophobe issues... but... maybe thats just me. As for the wolf queen series, looking awesome as ever, can`t wait till it comes out. You also mentioned you had some ideas for Red bouncing around in your head,I personally would love to see where you`re gonna go with that. I agree with you when you said a week or two ago that you would like to explore her further, she is complicated, yet ... intriguing at the same time,i would even venture to say addictive... not to mention she`s hotter than the sun! Anyday you release anything with Red in it , it`s a good day


I appreciate any artwork you happen to put out, regardless of content. Some of my favorite characters of yours are trans or feminine males-- but Elizabeth is right there in the mix as well. The only thing of yours I don't much care for is the analingus-- and it seems to show up disproportionately often. Audrey and Aron got a pass-- because Audrey-- but its just not my thing. Draw what YOU want, Jay. Don't compromise your artistic principles just for the sake of making a few people happy. The rest of us will be here no matter what.


I keep thinking of an old audio file from the early days of the internet. In the file the narrator is pointing out how the f-word can be used as an entire sentence. "Fuck the fucking fuckers." Reading this post and if there were offended patrons, this phrase above seems apropos. I see "Erotic" art on a page, that tells me it's a grab bag of what mainstream things turn people on. Gay is pretty much mainstream these days. A drawing of two gay lizards doesn't turn me off. A 300 lb woman riding a man in a recliner while the folds of fat on her sides wrap around him like the blob. Yeah, that unhinges me.

Teh Feeesh

It's getting near the end of the month, your first pledge doesn't get processed till the start of the month. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably folk freeloading off the way the system works. Pledge after payments are processed, free awesome art for most of the month, then unpledge before you have to pay anything...


Considering you're making over 4k a month, I don't think I'd consider $150 too much of a big loss. Three, maybe 4 people? Even if it was ten people, you've clearly still got a far greater number of people sticking around. Personally, I'm not into gay stuff, but your drawing and posting a single gay pic sure as hell isn't going to be the deciding factor in whether or not I continue to follow/pledge. I've been a huge fan of your art for a long time, so I'm quite aware of what your usual avenues contain. I also understand that art is a matter of supply and demand and if commissioners want something a little out of those avenues, there's nothing I can do about it. Just me speaking personally, but unless your Patreon suddenly becomes nothing but gay and anal art (or other stuff I'm not into) I don't expect I'll be going anywhere anytime soon. I came for the sexy and sometimes very kinky (incest and watersports) stuff I know and follow you for, one mildly uninteresting pic out of a dozen very interesting pics just isn't worth walking away for.


Yes, here we are! A growing community of people with different likes and dislikes. I think that Jay´s art is very varied and everyone is able to get what he/she might like or see as a "turn on" . That´s why I´m here and I´m glad to see things going well. Even if there would be a reduce of anal or butt themed pictures for a few weeks or posts I wouldn´t think of running away! They´ll come back after some others got their likings! :-)


Why would anyone have a problem with Gay Art? o.O That's just plain silly. Maybe it has more to do with people just being unable to afford to continue funding at their current level due to some unforeseen financial hardship? Or just people freeloading? Who knows. Personally I love all of your art. Gay, Straight, Bi...Other. I find them all awesome and personally wish for more of it. Anyway, glad to hear that Part 3's coming together. Though a bit nervous about the planned Cap to the series for now after part 4. There are plenty of stories left to tell in the setting and I hope you get back to it eventually.


"The narrator" of that bit would be the late, great George Carlin, a great champion of common sense who would HEARTILY approve of his work being quoted in such a manner. IMHO, if you can't handle seeing gay sex, the internet is probably not for you...

TY 2022

Keep up the great work!! I don’t care one way or the other about the gay art. I love how you draw and will keep my subscription going for as long as I enjoy what you draw. And so far I have really enjoyed it. On the Cottonwine story, I remember seeing a map of the world of Cottonwine a few years ago and noticed that there were a lot of other races in the lands. Maybe a story about a pretty elf explorer finding one of the other races or human villages moving to close to another race’s lands. Are there any dark elves in your world? I would love to see your depiction of them if they’re in Cottonwine and how they would interact with the furry races. I hope it would be sexually. Maybe they could use a form of magic that needs sexual energy to work or to make it stronger. Just a thought.


Could be any number of those reasons, but for how it all happens in the same day, after the posting of a single submission. Nonetheless, thank you. :3


Thanks! The problem with ideas is that I can easily just *want* to take Race A and make them "interact" with Race B, but it's all the details to try to make it interesting and also not just simply re-cover old plot themes in new settings. Those are the things that are needed for me to get an idea germinating. This isn't really me asking for help. Ideas come as they will.


Don't let them stop you producing and sharing your stuff, gay, straight, trans, whatever. I say that with my favourite creation of yours being Audrey

Goth Skunk

Their loss indeed, Jay.


I'm not gay by any means but i still enjoy your are regardless of the content. i would encourage you to not let one negative narrow minded individual stifle you. They should be able to appreciate it beyond its fap factor lol


Keep doing what you're doing Jay. Your art will always be appreciated by me; gay or not.

Anthony Lee

When will the 3rd comic be completed?


Very late to this party... but, I love your gay art! I really love your feminine male art! (Mikey Begins, Girly...) Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure, and you, Sir, are a Master.