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Patreon still hasn't processed all the pledges from December, but I'm going ahead and releasing Mandy to the appropriate pledge level. In the future, I'll probably wait for notification, but who knows.. I gave a date as my word and I'm going to keep it this time.



Patreon has successfully charged me for your pledge, so I'm no longer one of the delinquents, woohoo!


Read the comic. Love it in every single way. <3

Kenno Arkkan

Sometimes its just random jay. I've already got all my december pledges processed and sent my way via payoneer :O


Well done! Enjoyed reading from start to finish. Loved the ending.


Yay Zebras! All the delicious stripy butts. <3 The ending gave me giggle fits! It's great to see you get one of these done so fast with all the additional pages vs your earlier issues. Totally worth it!


The comic looks really good, the extra work that it took to make really stands out!


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, that ending! XD Fantastic comic all round. Bravo! *applauds*


I literally facepalmed at the end. Well played sir.


Awesome comic! *.* That´s what I like about your art: these little surprises like the funny ending and the intense atmosphere. I really enjoyed it! :-)