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Whew, finished up Mandy. Took longer than I thought because of the zebras in it. But the pages look nice. I'm pleased with it. It has 15 internal pages. I'm going to release it to the catalog on the 5th. $6 patrons will be receiving the pages on the 4th.




Huzzah! Your hard work has paid off, and we lucky souls are the beneficiaries. Thank you for what you do! I can't wait to read it.


Suddenly I hear the song, Aquarius by the 5th Dimension playing in the background and all is right with the world.


It sounds amazing!


Looking forward to reading the story on the fourth.


Can't wait to read it.


Yay! Santa came and gave us a pony! Oh wow how cliche am I? Can hardly wait to see this!

Dark Nurse

Awesome! Happy new years indeed! X3


Congrats i bet those zebras where a real chore but you produce excellent sutff :D


can't wait to see it.


It's horsey time.


I'm a new Patreon supporter--how will the pages be delivered to $6 patrons?


After all the pledges from the prior month are processed, I will send a message out to all the $6+ patrons with a link to every completed page.


around what time are you going to do this on the 4th


I'm still waiting for all of last month's patrons to be processed. Usually it's done by the 4th. We'll see. I don't want to exclude anyone who paid. Basically, when I send out a mass message, I can mass select only "processed" patrons. People who sign up in January haven't really paid yet and won't be processed until the beginning of February.


Jay, I'm assuming you finished these digitally? If not, my condolences to your inking hand. Zebras, man.

Vaga the jaguar aka spice seagoat

I jus became a patron today how long would I wait to get these comics if at all is it some thing I have to have done before Im jus confused about it is all but either way I very much enjoy your work I love the art style a lot and the story's are very well thought out and I can see the hard work and passion for it I hope more or even better work is soon to come I plan to be a long time patron keep up the good work


I share what I've done with comics so far after pledges are processed at the beginning of next month (usually on the 5th).

Vaga the jaguar aka spice seagoat

thank you very much for letting me know in such a quick time. im looking forward to seeing more of your work have a very nice day ]:3