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I'm noticing a weird consistency issue with color saturation, which is especially noticeable as I put lots of panda oranges in "The Awakening". At first, I noticed Patreon over-saturating my colors when I uploaded them, but then I realized that was just happening in the Chrome web browser, and not others. Odd. Now, while using a prior page to pull the color for Lynne, and apply it to the new page, it does this in photoshop, *sometimes*, not all the time.

You can see it up top. The orange to the right is what I used with the dropper to pull the color and apply it to the new page on the left. You can see how much more saturated it is, despite how it's supposed to be the exact same.

Not a huuuuuge deal, but I'm not sure why it's going on. If any of you are artists and you've had an issue with this, and know a little bit more about it, let me know. But otherwise, if you notice variable color saturation and vividness in the comic pages, for now, you know where it's coming from. For the future, I can try to manually edit the saturation for consistency, but that begs the question as to whether it's showing up the same for everyone else, or if it's just me.

Aaaanyway... back to work.




Have you checked on multiple monitors & devices to eliminate hardware being the culprit for the oversaturation? The dropper picking a wrong color on flats is odd unless you did it close to another color.


Is it maybe an illusion? Sometimes colors appear more muted or saturated depending on color they are next to. If the color values are appearing as different in Photoshop then I have no clue what's going on.


Because the dropper itself isn't replicating the color correctly, I know it isn't the display. I went through the comic and I see where the saturation varies. There are some pages where it's *very* evident, early on and I just wasn't paying much attention. Ah well.


What color profile are you using when you export the image? If you embed one instead of using sRGB, it might not display correctly on all screen/applications. It's also possible converting from Adobe RGB to sRGB will cause an issue. It's also possible that Patreon messes with the file to save space, and that ends up changing the colors.

Todd Whitesel

Patreon has been doing some weird things to images in posts lately, but it looks to be all compression and pixel dimension related. I'm on a fair number of patreons but I haven't seen any reports of colors shifting before this one, so it would be disturbing if this turned out to be caused by Patreon


I've worked with color management for a while. The best consistency you can get is to *convert* your work from whatever working color space you use to sRGB when you are ready to publish. (This is lossy, so be sure to retain your original work!). Then embed the sRGB color profile when saving the converted file. Not all browsers and not all versions of browsers respect embedded color profiles, but when they don't, sRGB is by far the most widely assumed color space. With your pixels encoded in sRGB and a profile tagging it as such, remaining major color shifts (if any) will be out of your hands, (unless you target the color shifting device/platform--and break your colors everywhere else). Hope that helps!