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Instead of doing warm up sketches this month, I want to do a finished picture series. I've been on a real one-woman-many-men kick, lately and I want to continue it. I spent part of today doing some super-roughs (shown) for possible image types to include. In any event, what I'd like to hear from you, the steering committee pledges, is which female character you'd like to see in the middle of it. The males will be an assortment. Let me know if you'd rather see: Zoe Lynne Rachel Mai Samantha Sissy Persia Any other input you have on anything else you'd like to see is greatly appreciated, as well, and can be considered. Thank you!




Oh boy, oh boy. Who wouldn't want to see Rachel in this grand throng of dongs? (And ass, apparently.)

Goth Skunk

Rachel. No question.

Bryant Holmes

Sissy, definitely Sissy, all the debauchery of Rachel, and none of trashiness.


I'd love to see Red or Elizabeth in one of these, but that's out-of character for both of them-- especially Elizabeth. Lynne. She needs to earn that "queen of oral" title.


Here is my top 3. 1.Persia (could be a movie she did in her past) 2.Lynne 3.Zoe Is there any reason why Beth is not on this list? Just out of curiosity.


I'd love to see Samantha in this series, I never seem to get tired of seeing her doing her thing in pleasuring several gentlemen per day

Ivan Orozco

I'd say Sissy beasue I can see her partaking in such actions due to her sex addiction


Samantha definitely gets my vote!


Definitely Rachel. She would look great in this.


My vote is for Zoe.


I can only count your #1 as a vote. :3 It's not really in Beth's character to step out and have unprotected sex with a gang of strangers.

Shadow Drake

This is a tough one... Though I would say, Mai it would be lovely to see her in a nice bit of group action. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And for the anything else I would have to say.. An Elizabeth and Fisk one again, something good n romantic for those two would be enjoyable ^.^


My vote is for Zoe ^.^


I would have to say Sissy all the way man! That seems right up her alley and its been quite awhile since we have seen anything with her.


Mai's got my vote.


There are a lot of good choices, but I think I have to throw my vote at Samantha!


Zoe for me, she's proven she can take it. Would love to see it again.


I will cast my vote for Samantha. Such a pretty kitty! --------- As for anything else, anything with Lucy. Even though it wouldn't make sense, with the current continuity, I would love to see a one off of her and Fisk (For old times sake). Hope that doesn't make me look to weird.


Gotta give it to Rachel, haven't seen her try something like this in a while. As for other stuff I'd like to see, honestly wouldn't mind more hyena's. Don't particularly care whether it be Sparky or someone else, I just love the way you draw them. Would also like to see Josephine make a come back.


Definitely Lynne or Mai. As for other things, Some fluff between Fisk and Elizabeth or Lucy and Tommy would be nice. Love a bit of romantic sexy times. ;3


Sissy! I would like to see her in a group sex party once! :3 And I´m very looking forward to the scetched rimming and anal scene. Since this Scenes are really good for Rachel and Samantha I think one of these three will make it and I´m fine with the other two as well!


i would like to see sissy.


Tough choice between Sissy and Samantha for me. But I think I'm going to have to go with Samantha here. There is just something about her.


I really miss red, but she never struck me as the gang up type. for something like this, I would say Samantha or maybe even Persia. Perhaps something from her life in California?


How Persia ended up in the business would be interesting.

Dan B

Rachel gets my vote. Seems in character for her.


My vote is for Persia.