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Every time I think I'm going to get back on a normal production schedule, shit like this keeps happening. Welp.

If it remains an apocalyptic prediction, I'll be fleeing to Georgia. The good news is, because my work computer is a laptop, I should still be able to keep in touch and maybe do a little work. But for now I have to prepare for this Biblical storm. But let's hope it doesn't end up so bad.

Thank you all.




Stay safe jay !


Be safe. Everything else comes second.

Lord Kaio

If you have to flee towards NC, ill house you


Take care of yourself first. We can all wait.


stay safe, we're waiting here in SC to see how bad we're going to be screwed

Donald Bays II

They are talking like it's going to crawl up the coast up to north Carolina (where I'm at). FL is going to take the brunt of the force but I guess I need to get the canoe out.


My sister is to be evacuated from Tampa with the rest of her school. This is a strong one so get yourself to safety Jay ok Wish I could say the same for my family in the Caribbean


Please don't wash away!

Aang Slyver

Stay safe man. Atleast it's looking it may move further east than originally predicted. Earlier models had it going right up the middle of Florida which would have been bad for all of Florida then Georgia


I'm in West Palm Beach, South FL. The gas stations are all running on empty. The stores are stripped as sooon as they're restocked.


But I'm still working...


They have offered to supply us with rotary phones and typewriters if we lose power. Supplies are coming in to Velcro us to our seats.


Chocolate cake will be baked and served in what's left of the break room for the survivors.


Be careful, try to stay safe and don'r take any risks unless you're sure you can profit well from em


Stay safe


It's going through the news all over the world and I wish you all the best, if you are in the regions wehre the storm is raging! Take care!


Stay safe man, Good luck.


stay safe man


Boy those are hard hurrican...


Good luck stay safe.


I'm in Houston, so I feel you. I hope you get less rain than we did... Stay safe!


Good luck jay


"Unless Hurricanes interrupt me..." well you jinxed it, I guess! Wishing you the best and good luck!

Dylan Hooper

I LIVE in Georgia! Small world.

Ivory Sai'ee

Your safety trumps comic

Richard V.

Good luck, be safe


It'd be a good idea to leave now in all honesty. I was in Houston for Harvey and it wasn't pretty.


Be careful please!!¡¡


Good luck! Been through hurricanes before, and you're taking the right action!


I hate this storm so.much


Come to minnesota, all we got are tornados, wild fires, wild animals and death by being outside during half the year

Johnny Grimm

Keep your house barricaded and stay safe dude don't do anything with out thinking about it thoroughly.

Xaldon Ajide

Hay we both live in Florida! I for one am looking forward to the Cat-5 passing through, though on a more serious note let us know the next local convention your heading for, I'd like to meet ya at some point. and thank you personally for all the awesome and informative comics you've written. I honestly wouldn't be the chipper and happy person I am today without your better days comic. and i your in the inner part of the stat like say Orlando, and you trust the sturdiness of the building you live in, I would recommend staying and getting stocked up on supplies like batteries, water, and dried foods. just in case the power and water lines go out, other than that you should be fine.


I'm in West Palm and I ain't evacuation. Maybe it would be ideal, but...

Matt Jones

As someone who just went through Harvey I'd say stay as long as your in an apartment on 2nd plus story, or have a 2nd story, and have enough canned food and water for 10 days. Otherwise I would go now

Nick R. Kupila

Good luck man. You'll need it.


lol, i understand


Stay safe Jay.


Well, fuck, is right. Stay safe, Mr. Naylor!!


James, with respect; I've been through four hurricanes. If this beast is half as nasty as they are suggesting, you need to get the hell out of there while you still can!


Stay safe jay

Erik Schwarz

good luck for your Home


Well damn, Godspeed Jay hope mother nature has a crooked eye and bad aim.

Eddie Murphy

Hope you stay safe!


bruh you need to move out of that state XD

Jack Ponder

Stay safe dude.


Stay safe down there! We're looking at it as well in NC, just after we moved for work too.


What part of Florida are you based out of, Jay?


You live in Florida???

Delvidia Catalyst

Jay, I got a question, that probably doesn't have any point to do with the Hurricane.


You gonna ask it, or are you going to wait for me to ask you what you want to ask me.


Almost 9:30 PM Friday, here in North Palm Beach Florida (S. Florida). They're imposing a 8AM curfew Saturday morning. My wife, her dog, her sister (+2 teen children & a boyfriend) and myself are as ready as we can be for Erma.


We're in a 70's built-to-last concrete mini condo on the 2nd floor w/thick aluminum shutters & "rations" to last us 1-2 weeks. From now till Monday 1 Word Embodies Our Existence: BRACE...

Delvidia Catalyst

That was in the comic with Sissy a while ago


Stay safe!


Hold fast and stay safe my friend.


News of the Florida's hurricane that looks too dangerous is broadcasted in South Korea this morning. I wish you to stay safe. -from your Korean fan-