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Still finding time to work on things like this, while the bulk of my time is dedicated to catching back up on the the Charles/Lynne comic since my move.




I can't decide if I like the second or last panel the most. I also just had this crazy notion that, what if she has developed a split personality and she is doing all this to herself. XD My imagination comes up with some wild ideas. Seriously, though, I'm very curious to see (IF we do discover) who this mystery person is. Although I do hope it doesn't happen too soon. There's something about this whole situation I'm enjoying too much.


This kind of writing is just too delicate for her lively mind. :3 I just love how the story builds up! Great one, Jay!


Brooke and Ask are fine pieces of art... but is there any planned Cottonwine content in the near future ? I can't wait to see the next pages of "The Mission"...

Glenn Sellers

Brooke's rather excited about this potential lover.


Great build up Jay!


Looks like she enjoys this.


Online stalkers don't get women that excited normally, but I guess there are exceptions for everything.