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This picture of my captain's chair heralds an update about my moving plans. I've put the gas pedal to the floor on it and it's my primary focus, right now. My planned timeline is:

By the middle of next week (around the 15th or 16th) to have my office/studio completely settled in and ready for working in. Therefor, I expect to be back into the full-ish swing of production by around that time.

I will keep you appraised. And I thank you all for your patience. Every one of you here is contributing to ensure this place keeps humming, and I always feel bad when I can't get to my drawing table to do my part. But I'll make it up to you, I promise!




Hope your move goes well :)


Hope everthing goes well hun


Have a good move, bro! Thank you for the kind words!


Take all the time you need. We can be patient...


I recently bought my first house which was also the first time I've ever moved. It was certainly a draining task so I hope you take the time you need. We'll be here waiting for you when you get back.


Congrats on the move


I move every few years. Moving is a great way to force a thorough clean out of all the junk you don't actually need or want.


Please stay safe during your move and try not to wear yourself out.


We're here to support you Jay! We are 100% sure you will .High5.