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The next question from the Ask segment. 




I have no idea why Jay decided to make Beth's story go this way. Everyone else have happy endings and are settled down somewhere with a partner...but he decided to make one of the most adored character in the series go in an opposite direction. Beth and Fisk relation pretty much ended when Fisk broke his promise and decided to follow his father's footsteps when he took that job. That's why she started going out with Aron in my opinion. She wanted to make it happen with Fisk, but since he ''broke'' the promise he made to her one year before the end of his contract, the relation pretty much ended on good terms. He came back since Beth told him there will always be a place for him by his side and saw that Aron was at her place and then started dating Elizabeth after meeting up with Beth and having a few more affairs with her. Seems like they both wanted to be together in the end, but it just didnt work out their way..which would have honestly been an amazing and loving story and ending to set their lives. Alas, Jay had other plans and Beth is travelling the world and maybe one day she will find someone. Maybe Andrew in some time, maybe back with Aron that wanted to stay in Florida.. maybe an entirely new characte. But after all, Beth is stil my favorite character and she is doing what she always wanted to. Sail across the world


There was a point I went through in my own life where everyone who I really thought I could be happy with ended up with someone else, and everyone I was having sexual relationships with, was someone I wasn't fully satisfied with having a full fledged relationship with. So I decided to put Beth on that journey and use to reject the idea that someone who's nice will necessarily find someone and be happy, without settling. Beth lives in the creator's world, where her mind is isolated in itself, forever, and she never feels a full connection with any other person. Maybe she can be happy with someone some day, but I don't know who that is, and I don't even know if that's Fisk. She might not have been happy in the long run. She's a darker character than you realize, and I'm going to keep her this way for a long time.


That's incredibly deep and interesting..it brings a whole new point to think about. With that said, would you consider her being happy/fine with her current situation? Is she over it after all the time that passed?


In the words of Alucard from Hellsing Abridged...."Oh boii!"


"You fucking kidding me?" *does shot*


I didn't expect that. But I like the atmosphere this picture is creating. Well done, Jay!

MKX Player

That is the face of a female scorned. *backs away*

Heretic Morgan

She looks a little upset there.


It's a bit dark for my liking, but then again, I didn't know what to expect. *Smirk* thanks Jay

Glenn Sellers

Offhand, it looks like that's something that Beth has no desire to even consider, let alone answer.


Wow her silence speaks volumes


I'm not gonna be the one to ask her that to her face.

Tam Barlas

Fisk? How about if she stayed with Aron? Either way, Fisk and Aron are happy. I'm not sure about Beth.

Viro Veteruscy

She's pissed... Kind of screwed herself multiple times in that department.


If looks could kill... XD


Realy ticked off.


Silence says everything.

Indy_650 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 20:10:26 Her fault for letting him go >.>
2017-06-19 22:48:45 Her fault for letting him go >.>

Her fault for letting him go >.>

Drew Qualls

Honestly, if she and Fisk had stayed together, his current wife would still be with that lying, cheating fuck stick, and probably still kowtowing to her mother.

Johnny Grimm

I know that has to be one of her biggest regrets of her life, she envies Elizabeth because she knew that could have been her life. She acts like she's ok with the life she has at this point be her cold deminor and a shot of whiskey doesn't hide the fact that if she didn't get caught with Aaron that one day things may have gone in a completely different direction. She is now out there trying to find what she thinks is a replacement for Fisk, Diet Fisk, or someone better for her she will be haunted by what ifs and what could have beens. But I don't think bringing this topic up helps the recovery process.


Poor girl looks like she needs a bigger drink...

Robert Kassebaum

Her spiraling descent into oblivion must be told.


I think her life could never be like Elizabeth's life, cause she is not Elizabeth. And Beth is much too smart not to realize this. So i think she does not envy Liz. Beth could have had Fisk, and she decided freely not to live a life like Liz's.


Oohkay, this pic means, with Fisk, there would be no difference either to Beth's actual life we have seen at OL587.


Its stuff like this that make me really love the OL universe. I would to see the continuation of this in another comic just to dive deeper into Beths life and current mindset.


i think thats the look of death, someone go check on frostfox im kind of worried T~T


Can I use this as a screensaver


that's the same look my cat gives me when it's time for a bath


My spirit animal.