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  • EP01-chardesign.mp4



The first part of a video series (video attached) about my design philosophies when I create my stuff. Instead of doing this as an art project, I decided to make this a video series for you, the $12 tiers.

This video features a drawing of Brooke that I did, along with some color changes to show design variation, as well as some YCH commissions whose contexts were completely changed by the designs of the characters who won slots in them.

I'm going to experiment with getting a real microphone to improve the sound quality of these videos in the future. I've also pre-written most of what I'm saying in the video, in the hopes of sounding more natural, with fewer pauses and "uhms" through most of it.

I would love to embed these videos here, so they could be streamed on any device. Unfortunately, when I try to use my site to create a URL, Patreon kicks back an error message every time I feed the URL into the field here. I can't post it on youtube, because that would defeat the point of a reward, and.. well.. there's naughty bits in it.

Right now I'm still doing 720p videos, but I may do 1080 in the future.




As soon as I saw you mention a YCH in this context, I knew exactly which picture you were going to bring up. Brutal words about it, but I also agree. My pony, Blue Bell, was the second from the left, and I was pretty disappointed​ to see the two tailed purple thing there, myself. While my own character is definitely a fantasy creation, that one definitely detracted from the overall feel.

Glenn Sellers

Naughty bits? I don't see no naughty bits. I see a raccoon girl wearing a sports bra and gym shorts. What's so naughty about that? I mean, she's even got an innocent smile on her face. Boy, YouTube is awful picky if they can see naughty bits in this drawing. Really! (LOL.)


I am totally with you when it comes to the character design and how it influences the whole mood of a picture. Your Brooke version with tattoos really hit the nail and of course the "girl next door look" makes this picture far more entertaining. What really interests me is if you have a specific or favourite kind of type you really like to spend your time on. Is it the kind of character like Brooke or maybe more offensive or introverted looking characters? Thank you for the video,Jay! :3


Well spoken! You'd definitely have the most enthralling art lessons of any teacher I'd know of, if you did any instructional content. Maybe make a review video of different art pieces and say what you like or didn't like? Maybe explaining things we wouldn't think of pertaining to concept or creation? Because you do give good and concise evidence to support your stance on the current subject. Were you referring to Zaush in there?


Unintentional reference to an artist's "Bottomless District", check. Well, that was my laughter quota for the day. Glad you can stick to your guns and not just draw tons of bullshit, makes your art that much better.


Yeah, I didn't intend it directly! But I guess it's a good example. I said bottomless because it's something I like, but it would lose its impact if it were common.


A lot of what you say makes sense. I never noticed it before but my eyes are unconsciously drawn to the more vibrant characters first and fore most. This is something I never noticed before. You also mentioned rooting fantasy with believable which is another thing I never noticed before but looking back through my favorite artists, they all have more believable characters. When you mentioned tattoos on fur, one question came to mind, how do you handle scars on furred characters?


I really liked this video, and I think it explains a pattern that I hadn't noticed before, and why I have been more attracted to some art than others. I think your design philosophy holds strongest the more realistic the art style is, because by rooting closer to reality you retain the erotic fantasy without being uncanny. I do think that more whimsical styles can have those unique character designs because there still something sexy about more alien or different characters displaying the same lusty feelings that any of us might feel. But its all about context, and artists that don't take context into account tend to have less attractive characters.


Finally found a quick moment to watch this. I could tell just how frustrating it was during those YCHs to draw some of those characters the way you described it. I remember seeing them for the first time and thinking (wow this is not at all what I was expecting) as u mentioned some of the characters were quite distracting. I can't fault the fan creations people make as I've seen so many. Some unique and clever, others admittedly kinda cringe. I have only a few who I'd like to think are normal. At least it was a learning experience for the future if u ever do decide to do YCHs ever again.