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Sometimes, funland, you hvae to take a short break from everything and do a project for yourself, start to finish. End to end, full creative control. I can proudly say that while I've had a bit of a "go into cave mode, do nothing until I've got something to show for it," I've come up with a rather. Tasty. Treat.

Longtime Attendees might know of the occasional post I'd make, usually YCH advertisements, the odd sketch, where'd I'd draw a cutie kitty cat, a lynx. Her name is Smore, and she's featured here in a three piece flat, for specifically the reason of needing her to include in any future, such as near future projects with stockholders. 

Big pawbs, big hair, moderate chest but beyond big beyond the belt and thighs as well. She likes to use sign language. The apostrophe is silent, and more often than not, so is she. Big teeth, so you see. Makes it a lil hard to eat and speek! She's got a speech impediment due to this as well as being the *only* lynx with saber teeth that 99% of people in her life have ever seen. All but her father.... and a mysteriously wealthy, powerful, and luxuiriously ridiculous silver haired wolf that picked Smore up from the cam girl work she was doing when she walked into the BiiG home office one day to apply to be a model.  Model to the president of the leading designer expansion potion company, she likes wearing absolutely *envious* utfits, so I've put some on display here~

Much love to anyone waiting on work from me, I've been incredibly stressed out but finishing this, having anything to display to y'all, Funland, with canon OC work from me, any new characters at all that aren't being given away or designed for someone else.... It's rewarding! Work to come soon, i owe Stockholder work.



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