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First, I'd like to apologize for not being so fruitful on this here Patreon page. Two factors have kept me from being regular with posts, and those are PostyBirb bugging out and losing Patreon support this last couple of updates, and also becuase I have been on a slide.

It's hard to function as a person when you're depressed. I know that art is for me because while I'm barely able to pick up the stylus and work on a commission, I'm still doing physical sketches, thinking of stories, ruminating content.

But very sparely, because I'm caught in a loop.

This loop has robbed me of a bit of joy. I can tell because even though i was not worried about rent this month, or money at all, really, here I was, dying inside as if my namesake was wringing my guts. In my sadness, I've searched, I've pondered, I've grasped. I've cried out for help and gotten some, though of course, a depressed mind will never feel like it's enough to get 'some' help.

Yet still, I'm here. The cloud is still in my stratosphere, and I know how loops work. But I'm lucid again, and my woes feel conquerable.

I've been truly agonizing over my workflow and my output, trying to come to terms with my speed, level of skill, and overall consistency between commission tiers. I've been stuck quite firmly in queue hell for all of this year, but I see a way out reletively soon, if you send me your energy for me to channel into this Spirit Bomb. I'd like to sincerely thank you all for your patience; your $3 (and more) has not been going to waste, and indeed for the two months thats I've had the $100 coming in have been more than enough for me to bridge gaps.

I'll make a new poll here soon, do a community piece next month, a real good one.

I'm grateful for your support. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.


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