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First of all, I want to thank everyone for your support.

It's obvious that the game is having some noticeable problems recently. It's hard to say what led to this, but one thing is for sure - it can't go on like this. I've been thinking a lot about this over the past couple of months, going through a lot of options, from splitting the game into several episodes to pausing work on the game. But none of the options completely satisfied me.

In the end, I realized that I couldn't finish this game the way I wanted it to be. Maybe it's my lack of experience, or my daily workload affects it, or maybe the whole idea of making a game that once appeared in my head was just an illusion to begin with, it's hard to say. However, I can still make just a game. So the next update will bring not only new content, but also a renewal for the game.

What does this mean?

First, I will remove the prologue with its mystical element. It always was a problem for me to explain how a millionaire and manager of a major campaign can step to the sub path. But now I don't care about that. Of course, I will leave a little background and try to make it as neutral as possible. However, the rest will be up to the player.

The game's main feature, the slow evolution of npcs depending on the player's behavior, will remain unchanged. After all, the gradual loss of control is the kink this game was originally designed for!

The second thing that bugged me was the need to write a story in order to advance and start doing content with other characters. I'm not very fast at writing scenes, so every time I simply didn't have time to add any story because too much time passed between updates already.

That doesn't mean I'm going to give up trying to make a complete story, but it's not a priority for me now.

So how will the game evolve now?

In its renewed form, the game will be more like a collection of stories united by a common character. I'll pick a few stories that I'm really interested in writing. From time to time I'll do polls in which you'll decide which story I should work on next.

I really hope I can, if not finish this game, at least finish some of the stories. A new update is coming out this month (I already have a few scenes finished for it). Hopefully with it will come a new life for the Boring Days.



I think you have a great talent for writing. Just don't split into many parts and make a great game with clear Sub / dom routes