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Fixed a problem that prevented starting the second event in the pool bar with the maid


Raven Leaf

You know, I've been thinking, about your walkthrough. I think your labels are kinda backwards or a little confused. Like when you say "Wife Dom path" I tend to think of that as HER being the dom, not the one being dom''d. You're consistent in your labels, but I dunno how the majority of your players interpret it though. To me at least it seems backwards.

Raven Leaf

BTW, is the penis size reflected in any of the dialogue yet, or just in the future?


Dunno, I think about it too, but you're really the first one who told me about it. So it's probably not a problem for most players.


Not in all, I plan to develop this gradually. Now it work for girl from club (I mentioned it in the changelog)