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Hey hows it going, your pretty damn cool, you know that?

Thanks for the love and support you give for my art, I aim to pick up speed as we go into the new year. Heres to another year of lewdness. I have afew ideas that I want to draw, including another mini series. 

Until then, Happy new year, happy hoilidays, hope you had a good christmas and new years, and I hope your new year brings only the best.

All these cool people are amazing and deserve a special thank you!

Dominic Hood, Mari Fox, LordShellington, Randomguyinky, Luther Cage, Kriex Sother, DRAGONGRILLOVEER, Kenneth Thiessen, berithon bradford, BubbleBurningXL, FearTheRenegade, Patrick Salas - Lewis Rojas, Sobosswagner, Papi the Harpy, Kawaiiyummycum, Tales, levi wright, redmight, Eldion Cross, qdoggie, FladdyKin, D3str0y3r176, WolfyKins, chryzolit, Azrael Oblitus, Arcad, Grant, Razorkeisser, Ovenlock, , harles Woods, Noctifer, Thine Rotund Gluteus, Bigace123, Micheal Green, ABrownCBR, Nighty331, Alexander Plourde, Wylee Wilson, Sterling Goins, setha nana, Robert Escobar, Tom, Casey Johnson, Nam, sartee, Gerardo Vasquez, pcevery, Nitro, Username159, Cameron James, Carson Mentzer!

Much love you amazing people!

Also the VIP bot in discord is now up and running again, let me know if you dont get assigned your role. You will need to link your patreon with your discord.



Says the cool one.