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Clarity returns to Chris’s mind with the shock of a thunderclap. She ate Di last night, and had fallen asleep mid-digestion. Fully awake in an instant of panic, the tomboy flinches and looks down at her stomach. But the sight that greets Chris is not the one she expected to see.

Her stomach is… Holy shit. Her stomach is almost flat compared to last night, she sees. As the tomboy stares down at her abs in horror, she can only see a soft curve, far too small to contain a beautiful friend.

Oh God. Oh fuck. Where’s Di?! Where’s she gone? Surely she couldn’t have…?! In just one night?!

Chris stares for a long moment, her brain trying to process what she’s seeing. Her brain is saying that there should be a big Di-shaped bulge, like last night. But the absence of a bulge is screwing with Chris’s mind. She knows logically what’s happened, but the sight is so jarring that it’s taking a moment.

“I… digested her.” Chris says softly, more to herself than Kit. “Jesus Christ…”

The naked girl beside her seems equally stunned. “God, there’s nothing left of her.” She says, staring at Chris’s stomach.

“N-no…” There’s even more jarring news, actually. “I think there’s a bit of her left…” Chris says, her eyes widening in shock.

Chris’s tits are a rather familiar part of her body. As a gay woman, the tomboy has a love of tits, but her own are so mundane to her that they don’t warrant much interest. But since last night, things have changed...


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