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All around you, the crowds break into nervous chatter. Above them, you see your mother staring down at you, clearly quite taken aback at your sudden appearance. “You…” She holds up her hand, and Joustina takes a step back, holding the crown in her hands. Collecting herself, Kailen nods politely at you. “Daughter.” Your mother’s voice is remarkably steady. “I am pleased to have you witness my coronation.” Her eyes narrow. “Do you have something to say?” Your mother’s voice is dangerous. Her belly rumbles loudly, as if echoing her threatening tone.

You stride forward, hoping that you look confident, pulling the princess behind you. Opening your mouth, your voice rings out across the throne room. “The princess and I have come to watch your coronation, Mother.” You say politely, bowing your head towards Kailen.

“Is that so?” Kailen raises an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. She gently strokes her belly, massaging the digesting remains of her meal as she looks down at the two of you. "And does the princess have something to say?” She’s clearly bracing herself for a challenge. After all, her rebellious daughter and the former princess had just suddenly entered her coronation. The crowd goes silent, as if everyone is holding their breath.

But you know she’s about to be wrong-footed. Nodding at Lena, you give the princess a reassuring smile. Lena looks hesitant about what she’s about to do, but she clearly knows she no longer has a choice. “I…” She steps forward… and bows to Kailen. “I am so happy to be here, to witness your ascension to the throne. My mother has conceded the crown to you of her own free will. Allow me the honor of doing the same. The throne is yours, my queen. May the gods smile on your reign...”


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