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You gulp nervously and step back from the rose bushes, lowering your secateurs. “Yes, Mrs. Simons.” You call out, and hear the older woman turn toward you. “Working on the roses today, Ma’am.”

The lady of the house is tall, even taller than you, and that’s saying something. You’re rather well built for a young man your age, but Mrs. Simons still manages to eke out an inch or two of height. And not only that. She’s… Well… not to be crude, but she’s quite voluptuous. You’re really not a crude person by nature, but gosh it’s hard not to stare sometimes. No matter what she wears, the older woman’s incredible body would still show off her magnificent curves. And today is no exception. As she comes into view, you can see her outfit… Oh, wow

She’s wearing what looks like a silken dressing gown, with artificial white fur lining the top, and the neckline plunges down just far enough to give a hint of a black bra underneath. The robe is loose and leaves the area around her neck quite visible, and see two black bra straps over her tanned shoulders. The soft shape of the robe leaves a lot to the imagination, but the way it curves around her chest gives your mind a lot to work with. The whole thing seems to shimmer like silk, and you’re sure it’s worth more than what you’re going to make in this entire week. As incredible as her outfit is, you remind yourself that you’re in her home, and such a stunning outfit must be normal for her.

“Oh, lovely!” Mrs. Simons steps into view and gives you a bright smile. Even for something as basic as talking to her gardener, the older woman has taken care to do her hair, a sleek black ponytail reaching down to her shoulders. She’s even done her makeup! Mrs. Simons must be quite a kind person to go to such effort for a normal gardener like yourself. “I’m so happy whenever you come, Alex. You’re so talented! Just look how beautiful those roses look!”


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