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Mandy might have been a little too old to believe in Santa Claus, but she had never lost the spark of excitement for Christmas. Mandy always left milk and cookies out every year, and every morning after, they were gone. And presents appeared under the tree too! So what if her friends at school made fun of her for still believing? Mandy always knew she’d get the last laugh when she stayed awake for Santa this year!

Only… the person who rolled out of the fireplace and let out a groan wasn’t what she expected. The pale woman was tall, and sour-faced. As she stood up groggily, Mandy saw that the woman was shockingly buff, with tight muscles rippling across her chiseled belly. Long white hair hung to her waist, and she was dressed in what looked like a Santa-outfit, although it left her belly exposed.

Mandy straightened her pajamas as she sat up, unsure if she was actually awake or not. “Are you… Santa Claus?”

“Huh?!” The woman jumped and spun around to stare at Mandy. “What the… oh, shit.” She groaned at the sight of the blonde girl. “Were you waiting for me?”

(Seemed an appropriate time to do an alternate for this story. Hope you guys have a good Christmas!)


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