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“Zara?” You hear a stirring sound from the couch. A moment later, your girlfriend’s head appears, blinking at you sleepily. “Zara!”

Zara’s clothes seem quite dishevelled as you make your way around the couch to look at her. It seems like she slept on the couch. You feel a sense of immense relief at the sight of your girlfriend. You don’t know what you expected when you entered the apartment, but despite the fact that your girlfriend is a powerfully built veteran predator, a small part of you feared for her.

The last time you saw Zara, she’d been forcing her way into Rebecca’s apartment, violently angry and ready to kick your new friend’s ass after learning that Rebecaa had kissed you. You’d seen Zara in such a rage before, and it had never turned out well for the person she was gunning for. The most distinctive memory you have is of Zara punching a futanari who’d been rather aggressively hitting on you, dragging her out of the bar and brutally devouring her in the alleyway. And then, sucking Zara off as she… er, expelled what remained a few hours later.

So, you don’t feel like your fears are unfounded. “Zara… Did you…” You want to say the words, but you just can’t force them out. “Um… Rebecca…”


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