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“Himari? What are you doing here this late?” You ask her. Obviously, you opened the door almost instantly. There's a chill outside and you eagerly beckon for your best friend to come inside.

Himari gives you a weak smile as she steps inside the door. “Hey, sorry…” She looks a little guilty, to your distress. “I was just…” She sighs, blushing slightly. “I tried to look for Stacey today and…”

No luck, you presume. Though, Himari is right next to a good deal of Stacey at the moment, ironically. Your best friend must be feeling pretty lonely and come to you to be comforted. Score! You resist letting out a cheer, and give Himari a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she’ll turn up somewhere, Himari.” You reach out and grab her hand, squeezing it.

“Ah… yeah. She will, I’m sure.” Himari’s eyes wander toward the stairs...


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