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Hi. If you read the Post I did at the beginning of the month you will know what the plan was for March, but in summary I was going to work on a Nagatoro long comic and on many commissions while I was traveling... Obviously that didn't turn out well. For starters, at the airport I lost my hard drive (not to mention stolen), and on that hard drive I had all the information I needed to work this month, plus some personal information that I lost forever. Even so, I did not give up and I ordered another hard drive to be purchased so that someone in my house could copy the information again and send it here, but that new drive never arrived, customs retained it due to an error in the documentation and it was returned to my city. I was able to download a few things using TeamViewer, but it wasn't enough. Another problem would be something that I did not think would be a problem, it turns out that in January I traveled alone and I was able to work without problems, but this time I traveled with my family and it was not possible to be in the same place as last time (a detail that they told me very late) and that is why I have not been able to work, basically I am in a place without doors. And as if that were not enough, we couldn't go to the cemetery to see my grandfather (who died last year) due to the floods, so we had to wait and the atmosphere here was not the best. All these factors led to the lack of content lately, and although they are mostly external factors, I still want to apologize to you, I never thought that so many bad things would happen in such a short time.

Luckily it's not all bad, despite everything I've been able to work a bit on a big project, quite a long commission, and I'll publish it in the next few days. I also inform you that I will be returning home in 2 days, so I will finish the second Nagatoro comic soon. After that I will work day and night to finish the pending commissions to make up for the lack of content, and although it will be exhausting, it is something that I have to do.

Again I apologize for the inconvenience, I thought that this month would have a lot of content, but for everything that has happened that will have to wait a bit until April, which yes or yes it has to be the month with the most content so far. For now I say goodbye by showing you some images from the Nagatoro comic, and I hope you like them!



king marcel

Problems can happen to anyone so no problem. Hope you enjoyed your travel at least ;)! I will wait for this comic two of this beautiful manga that I really like :D

Tell ARK

I'm sorry for your loss. And take all the time you need to get set back up. Next time you travel I recommend some locks for your back pack zippers and suitcases, really helps .


Take your time. No need for apologies, bad situations happen to everyone. Just take your time🌹

robert green

Take your time my friend. you've been through a lot. And when you are ready you will make some more great content again. safe travels my friend.


No worries bud worse things happen to the best of us, take care of yourself and have some memorable travels


I hope I never have a trip like this again, from now on I will take more precautions, thank you.