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I recently received a question from one of you that made me reflect, and although the question was about a specific comic series (Re:Shrink) it made me wonder why the protagonists of my comics suffer so much? It's a tough question, but I'll try to answer it honestly (and I'll also ask you 2 things at the end):

Most of my stories involve femdom, and the personalities of the protagonists sometimes clash with that and cause suffering. In the case of Subaru (I use him as an example because that is the most popular comic series so far), his power implies a lot of suffering, and since that also happens in the Re:Zero series, I wanted to add it here as well to be faithful to the original work, and although I write this story with Blacklight, my other comics follow this same pattern as well.

Femdom and pain prevail, but in most of them there are one or two happy scenes (excepting specific cases like the last 2 comics, in Sadako's I wanted to tell a tragic story, and in Shield Hero I wanted Myne to suffer a lot ). Even so, I have done a few comics that are mostly Gentle, like Minori's Awakening (although the ending is very tragic) or Konosuba Giantess Eris Time, but I will always prefer to do Femdom comic for 2 reasons, the first because I like it better, and the second because stories without conflicts (even minimal ones) are boring, dramatically speaking, and as a writer I do my best to create interesting stories (beyond 18+ content).

Even so, I don't like that the complete stories are 100% tragic, for example (AND HERE ARE LITTLE SPOILERS FOR 2 COMIC SAGAS) in Konosuba Giantess Kazuma suffers being dominated by girls, especially by Sylvia, but in the end he is rescued and almost all the characters end up happy. Also, in My Hero Giantess, Gea and Deku suffer for the same reason in the first chapter, and in the second and third other characters even die, but again everything is solved and they end up happy with their couples (Mina and Ochako, AND THE SPOILERS END HERE.)

As you can see, to write I base myself on Femdom situations and some suffering in the protagonists, but I also think it is important to have happy scenes and even happy endings, so as not to overload the stories with a lot of suffering (unless in a specific case that is my objective, as in the comics I mentioned at the beginning, Sakado and Shield Hero). In addition, there is also something that helps me achieve that balance, and that is that while the main character suffers, the Giantess in turn enjoys a lot, and that prevents all feelings from being extremely negative.

Well, that is my opinion on this topic, and I would appreciate it if you leave yours in the comments. Obviously I omitted several technical questions about how to write scripts and stories, but talking about technicalities was unnecessary, and it was not the time. That's why I also ask you to tell me if you would like me to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) to answer some questions that you have about comics, about my opinions on the GTS genre and how I do things, and also if you want to ask some things to Rachel, because it's an idea I had a while ago and I think it would be fun. Anyway, I look forward to your comments on both things (the subject of suffering and the AMA), and thanks for reading such a long text (although it is nothing compared to the scripts of each comic, which oscillate between 30 and 40 pages).



I dont mind if the charecters suffer for the good of the giantess Thats the reason i enjoy your stories so much I think you can take it as far as you want and I will enjoy it too


I can only agree with Stav Rubin and mailie

king marcel

Personaly I like sadic and crush scenes for the benefit of the giantess. But for me, just do your comic as you want! If you have an idea which seems noto be like usual, do it! I will continue to support you because of the artist that you are. You must do your work to enjoy yourself it is what matter the most ! :) PS: I know that some people use link to other website,... to avoid limitation of Patreon so if you need for your story because it is out of the rules to publish it on Patreon. Do it ^^