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Hi! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything new this week, although I have pending commissions I haven't been able to do anything since from the day before I uploaded the Nagatoro comic, Patreon gave me a warning for violating their rules (which I don't think I have done). Just yesterday they removed the warning, and I must say that the worst technical service I have ever had, automatic and generic responses without showing even a hint of interest in solving my specific problem or responding as human beings to the arguments I gave them. I will not close my Patreon page, I could not do it because of all the people who are supporting me, but I am thinking of having some other alternative Crowfonding platform in case something bad happens with Patreon in the future, which makes me sad already that so far everything had been fine. I don't know if SuscribeStar or OnlyFans work in a similar way and give me less problems, any advice is welcome, but for now I will continue doing my job and be a little more cautious, good things are coming soon!



I'd recommend Subscribe star, they still have some rules but it's a lot less bad than Patreon. Sorry to hear about this. :/