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Hello everyone. As I always try to be honest with you, it is necessary that today I tell you some things about my current state and the near future. First, a few days ago I got sick. Pain, headaches and a lot of cough, it can't be C19 because I already got that again in January so I should still be immune, it's just a common cold, but this time it's more intense than normal. Unfortunately it caught me while I was starting production on a new long comic that I had planned to release next week, but due to the fever I'm going to have to postpone it for another week, until I feel a little better again.

I also wanted to talk to you about the pending commissions, and since a few weeks ago many more have arrived than usual, so they have accumulated quite a bit. As I have told you in the past a couple of times, if anyone wants to request a commission, feel free to do so, but you should know that you will have to wait a little longer than normal due to the large number of pending orders that have accumulated this month, so I would preferably tell you to order mini-comics of 10-13 pages and individual images instead of mini-comics of 25 pages, because those have a much longer waiting time than the others, especially now.

Finally I think I'll take a couple of days to rest and get better from the cold, these days I haven't stopped posting on DA and doing scenes from the new comic (as much as I can), but maybe it's a good idea to just stay in bed and forget about work for a few days. You know that I love my job, and not that I would like the flu to become much more serious just so I don't stop working, so if I take a while to respond to a message, that's why. Anyway, thanks for reading, and although this was the plan for this month, next month there will definitely be 2 new comics!



Take your time to make sure you feel better!


It okay to keep your work, but your health is the most Important. Please just focus on your health.