Instructions for RCM compatibility with SCCO (Patreon)
If you want to use two cooking mods together
The SCCO mod has been updated to version 5.0.2 and has become partially compatible with our Realistic Cooking Mod (further RCM)
All files are compatible with each other, except those that change EA recipes and EA menus, you need to choose one of the versions to choose from:
✅Version of EA recipes and EA menu from RCM
install RCM and SCCO,
and delete two folders "EA Recipes" and "EA Crafting Menus" from SCCO
✅Version of EA recipes and EA menu from SCCO
install RCM and SCCO,
and delete folder "[SS] EA Override (Optional)" from RCM
Mods are modular, you can delete at will any files that you don't need, except the "Main" and "Scripts" files
For example, you can install a refrigerator version from one mod, and recipes from another.
You can install modified EA recipes from one add-on from one mod and other recipes from another mod from other add-ons, for example👇
The most important thing is not to install two versions of the same thing at the same time
If you use two mods at the same time, you don't need the "Any Ingredient" Cooking Tags Resource file, but you still need the XML Injector from SCUMBUMBO
The file "[SS] EA Override Menu" from the RCM mod conflicts with the folder "EA Crafting Menus" from the SCCO mod - you can have one thing at a time in your game
The folder "[SS] EA Override Recipes_Additions" from the RCM mod conflicts with the folder "EA Recipes" from the SCCO mod - you can have one thing at a time in your game
All other files are compatible!