Evening and weekend study at Sims 4 University (Patreon)
2022-03-28 10:59:35
I've wanted this mod for a very long time.
Now Sims can study in absentia and on weekends!
I just shifted the study time from 8-00 in the morning to 18-30 on weekdays and 13-00 on weekends.
Now learning is possible on Saturday and Sunday
Basically, I was guided by the fact that sims will be able to combine work from 8 to 17-00 (or 18-00), as well as if they have a morning part-time job on weekends, it won't hurt either, since studying on Saturday and Sunday starts from 13-00
I think it won't conflict with any mod (the specific files of the university_Courses Schedule are affected). In any case, you can write to me if you need any changes or make another version - I'm just starting out and I'm glad of any practice)