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Create two presets for g8.1 male for male and futa minotaur. Was going to create a female minotaur but the vagina model I use works with g8 male but not g8.1 male.

Create preset for g8 male muscular.

Was going to create a femboy preset for g8 male but decided to use g8.1 female instead with the futa genitals without vagina for a more feminine shape.

Created two presets for g8 female for muscular futa and curvy female.

The harpy model and several other monster girl models are for g8 female and there's no male version so I created a masculine preset for g8 female to convert monster girl models to monster boys.

Created two presets for g3 female for female and futa demon.

Created a preset for g3 male for male demon.

Created a male and futa centaur preset using the muscular male/futa presets for g8.


In addition to this weeks renders I have three renders finished.

I have thirteen wip renders (two with alts).


This I week plan to focus on Family Entertainment. Going to finish the set up for the rooms
and sets as well the writing. I already have a basic storyboard  with several scenes planed just
need to flesh out the writing and dialogue. Hopefully I'd like get the first release done by the end of the month.

In addition  to working on Family Entertainment I'd like to least finish enough of my wip renders to have this months weekly renders done.


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