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This was up last week but I added a few things since then, including a whole lot of words. So I'm going to go a bit more in depth with the process here:

 Warning spoilers for Lathckey Kingdom in general and Water Temple specifically  

I started this idea with the idea of a rabbit/labbit in armor with a round head a long skinny neck, and then repeating those shapes for the chest and waist. I found hair and stuff was getting in the way of  forms so I came up with a simple helmet to cover all that up. Then I hit upon an idea. 

For the past several months of the Water Temple storyline I had been planning a reveal where after Sieglief inexplicably survives drowning and being eaten by a giant fish his helmet falls off and instead of a head there's a riving mass of tentacles. Sieglief would quickly replace his helmet and attempt to explain away the tentacles as a temporary medical condition. The implication being that Sieglief is like Rose a shadow creature that has perhaps unwittingly adopted a yuman identity.  

But drawing this new armor design made me think, what if Sieglief wasn't alone.  There could be a whole species of intelligent Shadows that lack Roses shape-shifting abilities and instead wear full body covering armor as an artificial skeleton and to disguise their true nature. 

So far I'm calling these creatures the Steel Clan. They're a well meaning race that pretends to be yuman, even though anyone can tell that there's something seriously suspicious about their act. They eat only liquids since that's all that fits through the holes in their helmets. This particular Steel Claner is named Thorn




So cool! So If [spoiler] is able to survive that whole incident, does that means shadows can't be killed by physical trauma?


It just means they don't drown in water.