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Kendra K, has developed quite a backstory for their rat.

Once there was a happy little dungeon rat. One day, the dungeon rat saw an adventurer and fell instantly and madly in love. Deciding to follow the adventurer around and help out, the rat decided to spend much of its time hiding who it was as it stalked - er, ASSISTED - the adventurer, so it brought along a great big trunk of silly hats. 

Ria is the only person who doesn’t realize it’s the same rat in a different hat. 

As unlucky and incompetent as Ria is, this dungeon rat is only marginally more competent - It can actually find truly valuable items. However, it has no idea what IS valuable.  One time, it held in its paws a priceless golden statuette of an early Lagish ruler and a rusty fork. After great deliberation, it decided the fork was more valuable, tossing the statue aside, and ran off to present its discovery to Ria. 

Speaking only in squeaks like all Dungeon Rats, Ria seems able to understand it perfectly. Whether or not anything is actually being said is anybody’s guess. 

Ria has many names for the various identities the Dungeon Rat maintains as it follows her around, such as Grabby, Rucksack, and Nanci, but it’s ACTUAL name, if it has one, is unknown. As is its actual gender, though Ria tends to see whatever identity it has as female - even when the rat enhances its brilliant disguise of a different hat with a ludicrously fake moustache. 




I like it's backstory, especially how it ties into another BBA.

Kendra Kirai

Thank you. :) Raiettei is a really good friend of mine, and I just kept on coming up with ways to make her Ria and my rat stupider and stupider. :D