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Yo, Dark Henrik! I have a message for you. Someone has been drawing fanart of Galondria and posting it in the Latchkey Kingdom threads we have in /co/ about once a week. The artist would like to share these pictures with you. So far there are at least 5 pictures of Galondria. Her design, with that awesome jacket, made her popular. For now you can still find this fanart posted in this archived thread, just Ctrl+F for her name: <a href="http://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/89460416" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/89460416</a> I think the artist implied he is just as willing to draw other cute patreon adventurers.


Dark informs me that they cannot post replies to Patreon posts for some reason. So if you want to contact them you should look at their Deviant Art page <a href="http://darkhenrik15.deviantart.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://darkhenrik15.deviantart.com</a>


Thank you. I'll let him know there is probably going to be another /co/ thread over the weekend and warn him of what may happen there. The most prolific fanartist was interested in getting people from Patreon to come and visit the thread.