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Elayne is prepared for almost anything (except adventure). Here's the inspiration provided by Robinson Taylor;

...she's more of just a general know-it-all then - she absorbs tons of knowledge but not all of it is accurate, and she doesn't quite have the common sense to apply it properly. She still means well; she just has a habit of operating off of half-remembered trivia, questionable factoids, and entertainingly wrong presumptions.
Elayne's a squirrel who styles herself a "wandering scholar"; big, round glasses, big, bushy tail, big backpack full of books...




"No, really! This special blend of garlic, olive oil, and sesame seeds is GUARANTEED to ward off dragons!" "ROOOOOOOOAR *FLAAAAAME*" "...hmm. Maybe it was garlic, cod liver oil, and sesame seeds..."


Cod Liver Oil: Accept no substitutes!