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Mr. B.E. Busey is such a trend setter that he's bringing the the mullet and the crocs to Hilla. He's brought to us thanks to  Karl Lindström who described Big-Eater thusly;

"(Insert name) Big-Eater" is a Zull of average build and size, possibly with a bit of a belly to show the fact that he loves to eat. He travels the world to cook and eat anything and everything he possibly can. Whatever he can not eat or use for cooking he sells to buy ingredients or tools of the trade. Seeing as many great beasts of the world might object to being eaten "Big-Eater" always carries around his trusty glaive/halberd to take care of any trouble he might get into. His attire is pretty standard as far adventurers go but he carries a backpack full of cooking equipment. Knives, pots, pans, spoons, a spicerack, the whole shebang.

Maybe B.E. should consider joining ELEAWTA 




Great work dude. I like that you followed my description but still gave your own spin to his design.