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Another month another Patreon backer strip. And it's got a couple backer based adventurers. 

Everyone be sure to thank Michael and ZincAwesome for their contributions.




Gentlemen thank you for your contribution to medical science, also comedy.


Also I don't know about you guys but, those snake colours are messing with my eyes something fierce. They look like a pastel blue and brown/gold to me, is that supposed to be an option? @__@


It's based on an old internet meme, <a href="http://nyti.ms/1Aij7Un" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://nyti.ms/1Aij7Un</a> the effect works better in the example there. Although even there I always saw it as blue and brownish. (part of being an artist means I've learned to focus on local color)