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This week we have a new costume for Ash, a redesign for a character who has yet to appear, and development for a new superhero character!

Ash Goes Fishing

The next chapter is going to involve Ash and fishing. Although, I don't know why I drew her with a fishing pole. There's no way Ash fishes with a pole.

Maria and Sonya

I swear Maria will make it into the comic some day. Anyways, working on her design I thought it might be cool if her helper snake had a sort of proto-hand. It'd also make it a little clearer how Sonya and her work together.

Full Metal Rosaline

Good Girl

I felt like drawing a superhero this week. Good Girl is a pretty standard superhero, she has super strength and can fly, she's also half dog. I got kinda obsessed with working on her design so there's five pages of her here. Supergirl was definitely a major inspiration here.




Hm, the hand idea for Sonya is interesting. And Good Girl have a really nice design.